Tag: Featured

1000 Cuts for Women in an MC
Filed in BikeSet, Featured by on April 27, 2013 3 Comments
1000 Cuts for Women in an MC

I have learned sometimes being in an MC means death by 1000 cuts because you don’t the power to make it stop. Even the tiniest little things add up to something big – sometimes its really death by 1000 paper cuts. The cuts started early.  Your discouraged and humiliated when first starting to learn to […]

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Why I Don’t Agree With Closed Book Tests for Computer Courses
Filed in Technology by on January 8, 2013 1 Comment
Why I Don’t Agree With Closed Book Tests for Computer Courses

I have worked in the computer industry for more years than I would like to admit. I have often told employers and contractors you are not necessarily paying for me to be present and sitting over a computer for 8 hours a day. Really what most non technical people don’t understand is, what they are […]

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New Antique Sock Machine
Filed in Crafting, Featured by on November 30, 2007 2 Comments
New Antique Sock Machine

I got a P.T. Legare Sock Knitter a few weeks ago. I am starting this blog in my quest to learn about these machines and knitting socks on them. I have found that info is pretty far and few between on the web [slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157612802076067″ type=”gallery”]

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