Tag: My Writing

I screamed to long And so hard So sure you didn’t want me Anymore After only three days Without your voice Crackling and calling From across the ocean

(Though you might think from this poem my temper tantrum today was about you it was not. It was a just a general temper tantrum about my unhappiness in life. Now I am afraid you will not look at me again because I am prone to temper tantrums) I would do anything to be luminary […]

Out of his passion I feel the flame of desire Threating to overtake us At the point of no return He turns away That is enough Go away from me You woman will send me to hell Why have men created A god of hate A god of fear A god of control In his […]

I look to see me in you And when I see you My heart bounds And rises to my face Overflowing from my eyes. Do you see it? I listen to hear me in you And When I hear you My heart smolders Firing flames of emotion Into my chest. Do you suffer the warmth? […]

Have you always wanted to write a novel? Do you see the story in your head but find yourself incapable of getting it all out on paper? Do you begin excitedly writing and then get burnout almost before you've even began? If it all seems overwhelming maybe the following suggestions will help you become more […]

Stop Don’t turn away from me Don’t leave me To fight this hate alone Please Stop and protect me Stay I only wish To be your puppet If you got now How will I last Look at yourself Standing tall and strong Above me Trying to feed me lines of Lies Excuses Escapes How more […]