Technology News This Morning – June 4 2013

Filed in Technology by on June 4, 2013 1 Comment

Keeping you up to date with the top 10 technology new articles for this morning.

  1. Zynga fired 18% of its employees and shut down three office locations yesterday. “You are a fixture and then you are gone,” said one of the laid off employees. Read… 
  2. The entire team behind Draw Something, which Zynga acquired when it bought OMGPOP last year, also got canned. Read… 
  3. Apple is changing its repair policies. It will now fix broken screens in-store, instead of sending them off and giving you a new-to-you refurbished phone.  Read… 
  4. Google banned Porn apps from Google Glass. Read… 
  5. Sean Percival’s startup did not survive the so-called “Series A Crunch.” Here, he writes about what he did wrong and how others can learn from him.  Read… 
  6. Lenovo, the world’s number two PC-maker, is in talks to get into the smart phone business through acquisitions.  Read… 
  7. Frank Gehry will design Facebook’s new New York offices.  Read… 
  8. Here’s a good overview of Computex, the big Asian PC-maker trade show going on right now.  Read… 
  9. President Obama is going after patent trolls. “The president will reportedly instruct the Patent and Trademark Office to start work on a rule-making process that would require disclosure of the owner of a patent in addition to its inventor.”  Read… 
  10. “59 percent of the 2,300 parents surveyed were not worried that their children would become addicted to technology.”  Read…

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