Jumapili Ikuseghan
I have a natural enthusiasm for life. Usually very active, I thrive on challenge. I love challenges and competition. Those who know me may consider me to be a high risk-taker. I will take issue and do not shy away from confrontation when others disagree with me. I am confident to say what I feel or think. I like being in the front and having the spotlight. I have a high interest in the new, the unusual and the adventurous. I am curious and have a wide range of interests, preferring an ever-changing environment. I respect those who win out against the odds and show persistence. I set high goals for myself and others. In social situations, I prefer variety, adventure and the unusual. I may lose interest if I feel a situation is becoming routine. As a result, I must be kept busy and involved with making things happen.
Highly talented and accomplished IT professional with demonstrated success implementing strategic IT initiatives that improve business functionality with positive impacts on the bottom line. Skilled senior project manager with proven ability to lead and motivate teams in web development, network administration, and software development to maximize productivity. Technology savvy self-starter, adept at moving into new environments and extrapolate from existing experience to quickly adapt to new technologies fluently. Possess first-rate communications and collaboration skills to lead and work in concert with diverse groups effectively.
My Name Meanings:
Jumapili - [ 4 syll. ju-ma-pi-li, jum-ap-ili ] The baby girl name Jumapili is pronounced JHuw-Maa-PIY-Liy- †. Jumapili's language of origin is African and it is also predominantly used in African. The meaning of Jumapili is 'given life on a Sunday'.
Alili - [ 3 syll. a-li-li ] The girl name Alili is pronounced Ah-Leh-Leh- †. Alile is of African origin. The meaning of Alili is 'she weeps'.
Dikeledi - [ 4 syll. di-ke-le-di, dik-el-edi ] The baby girl name Dikeledi is pronounced as Diy-KEH-Leh-Diy- †. Dikeledi is of African origin. The meaning of Dikeledi is 'tears'.
Ikuseghan - [ 4 syll. ik-us-eg-han, iku-seg-han ] The girl name Ikuseghan is pronounced as Ee-Koo-Seh-Han- †. Ikuseghan is of African origin. The meaning of Ikuseghan is 'peace surpasses war'.
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