
There has been some desire for possible employers to see my web portfolio. I thought I would pull some of the screenshots of projects together and post them. [slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157622078387599″ type=”gallery”]

Ever since I updated to FireFox 3.5 I have no icons in my All-in-One-Sidebar. I went to the site for the extension, and looked to see if anyone was talking about it. It seems that there was not much posting in the forum. I was surprised because this is happening on all of my computers. […]

Get The Pattern And Make It Yourself Amy Butler just has the best patterns but sometimes they get to think to rangle through a sewing machine all the canvas and peltex gives me a little headache Oh but this cheap frog material is after my heart. You can see many of my creations for sale […]

details are still sketchy regarding this extremely disturbing incident which involved dozens of local residents, police and emergency crews, and a few lines of some very strange javascript code. authorities are still trying to determine exactly what happened at the groovytype lab located downtown. the primary question law enforcement as well as academia moguls want […]

Can you believe it… Microsoft does it again WHY O WHY!!!! Remember when Vista came out and suddenly we had no desktop icons? Did you sit there for a few minutes looking at your desktop wondering what is wrong here? This is exactly what drives me nuts about windows… they train you for years like […]