Enable Quick Launch for Windows 7

Filed in Technology by on March 25, 2009 26 Comments

Can you believe it… Microsoft does it again WHY O WHY!!!! Remember when Vista came out and suddenly we had no desktop icons?  Did you sit there for a few minutes looking at your desktop wondering what is wrong here?  This is exactly what drives me nuts about windows… they train you for years like a monkey to work one way and WAMO new version of their operating system and they want to change it grrr.

  1. Right-click an empty space on the Windows 7 taskbar and select Toolbars > New Toolbar.
  2. Enter the following path: %userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch.
  3. Click on Select Folder.
  4. The Quick Launch toolbar should appear.
  5. Right-click the Windows 7 Taskbar again and select Lock The Taskbar from the menu.
  6. Drag and drop the Quick Launch toolbar into the location where you want it to be.
  7. Select Lock The Taskbar again to lock the Windows 7 Taskbar in place.

Thank god there is my Quick Launch toolbar.

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