What the Bond Between Mother And Child Should Be

Filed in Family by on August 7, 2009 31 Comments

Everything I learned about motherhood I learned from a dog. I went through a little time of breeding daschunds and chihuahuas. Even my most mischieviest female changed the moment her babies dropped on the blanket. A puppies mom knows just how to clean them and feed them. She never gets mean with them for their little puppy calls. Hardly ever leaving them in the first days of life she puts a whole new meaning to the idea from my military days of “total control”. Which is really just to hold it as long as you can.

Their puppies promptly become the center of their world forcing the people around to put the mommy dog first. To bring her food and water to where she is with the pups. Even to prompt her to go outside for a few minutes to go potty. I love that single minded devotion for another. And this is a devotion that can not be hurt given that dogs live in the now. Nothing done 10 minutes ago matter and anything that happens in 10 more minutes they cant even conceive of. Just right now with pups and a blanket. It is what she was born to do, to continue her species, to live forever through them.

As the pups get a little bit bigger and can live on their own she will forget all of this and go on back to here normal behavior. But, I have found that a child of a mother dog can always come to the same bowl she eats from, she won’t fight them. She will play with the members of her pack most directly related to her more often, even prefering their company over others.

How nice and uncomplicated that is. That is what the bond between mother and child should be. Nice and uncomplicated.

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