Highline Community College Double Standard – Higher Education Consumer Protection

Filed in @jumapili, Featured, Reviews, School, Technology by on December 18, 2014 2 Comments

When I started off this quarter on my pursuit of the Paralegal Plus Degree from Highline Community College, I was excited.  I love to learn.  I love the law and finally I am getting down to the business of moving out of the computer field into something I am passionate about.  It is no simple decision to go back to school to change  your career totally at my age.  I am already almost 70k in the hole to the government for my masters degree in Computer Science/Web Development.

[lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W_RQlTmWf8″]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox]

Going back to school could potentially add another 60K to that according the budget outlined by Highline’s financial aid department.

Financial Aid Estimate

Financial Aid Estimate

When I first read the syllabus for the class I got a bit of the hebbie jebbies from comments like:

LEGAL 101 – Intro To Ethics

Legal 101 - Intro To Ethics

Legal 101 – Intro To Ethics

LEGAL 199 – Legal Research and Writing I

Legal 199 Legal Research And Writing 1

Legal 199 Legal Research And Writing 1

In Legal 199 we even had to respond to what I felt was a condescending assignment:

Legal 199 - Assignment 2A

Legal 199 – Assignment 2A

I couldn’t help but have a snarky response.

Snarky Response to Legal 199 - Assignment 2A

Snarky Response to Legal 199 – Assignment 2A

I get it Instructors want us to have our assignments in on time. Presumably that would be so they can grade them in a timely manner and provide us appropriate feedback, therefore enhancing our education.  The sad reality is in most cases much of our work was not graded until the last few days of class.  Not all of it and some instructors are better than others at this.  Some instructors even give you a bit of a break, lets say if you were in the hospital.  I did have this happen to me this quarter.  But there is still a problem here:

  2. When they don’t grade in a timely manner it is hard gauge of how you stand grade wise.


  1. I go to school.
  2. Teach at Shoreline Community College.
  3. Live in Tacoma so I commute between Shoreline/Renton/Tacoma in I5’s horrible traffic.
  4. Take care of my 85 year old grandmother.
  5. Had to complete 24 hours of community service for Legal 101 outside the classroom work.
  6. Need to sleep sometime.


Grades were to be submitted by 12pm on 16 December 2014.  That didn’t happen because the entire computer system at Highline Community College went down. See the following email from one of my instructors…

Email From Instructor

Email From Instructor

Okay so I guess the school can have gremlins.  Guess what it’s possible. I will give you that even though it is not reciprocal as you have already read above.

I want to give the instructor the benefit of the doubt.  Guess what I get they have lives and being IT born and breed I know all about computer gremlins.

But it is now 18 December 2014 around noon, and still not all of the grades have not been submitted

Transcript As of Dec 18, 2014 around noon

Transcript As of Dec 18, 2014 around noon

Even though the same instructor said:

Instructor Response to Me Beating Them Up

Instructor Response to Me Beating Them Up

And in a way she is right and I STAND CORRECTED.  She did her part now the failure is somewhere else.  Doesn’t change the fact that the failure exists though does it?

Can you imagine this even gets better?

On Dec 17 2014 the school actually posted on their Facebook page that the grades were available.

Highline Community College Facebook Post

Highline Community College Facebook Post

Even though you can clearly see someone has failed to do their “JOB”.  Yes all that etherial lofty BS about academia this is their “JOBS”  On which they are paid a nice middle class salary by the State of Washington to perform.  They didn’t post that the servers for the school went down. Or that they had arbitrarily changed the rules.  Just that they were done doing their “JOBS”, though I beg to differ.

Screen Shot of Highline Community College Offline

Screen Shot of Highline Community College Offline


Do the math…

$29,665.00 x 2 years = $59,300

If you took Federal Loans to pay for it at around 7.5% interest.

25 Year Student Loan Payoff

25 Year Student Loan Payoff

THE LEAST OF WHICH I EXPECT FOR $131K is to be informed.

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