Tag: Video
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMsUIUw5mEM [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMsUIUw5mEM”]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox] “One Voice” This is the sound of one voice One spirit, one voice The sound of one who makes a choice This is the sound of one voice This is the sound of voices two The sound of me singing with you Helping each other to make it through This […]
Yes @smashertr likes to play with his goats and school me on my womanly responsibilities. Somehow I don’t think he is talking about meat on the grill exactly. Now we are not going to eat the goats though they will probably be good eating about the time they get to the other side of the […]
In this house we do have some division of work. @smashertr is more or less responsible for making sure the Harley’s are in working order. Because Harley Davidson likes their stuff so much this can be a pretty pricey responsibility. They are not even big but they are a gold color. SMDH! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y77rXKSJyjA [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y77rXKSJyjA”]Open […]
I know a lot of people are going to think this is nuts. I am in the constant pursuit of perfect shaped eggs. No I can’t just throw them in a pan and let them get all spread out. I want my egg symmetrical. If anyone knows where I can get heart-shaped egg makers that […]
Let me be clear here white folks it is never okay for you to say the N-word. NO you don’t love your black people. NO you can not add an A or AH at the end and be cool. I hate to be the thought police but, NO it is not okay to think it […]
@smashertr brings home the brakes and the Berry White. Let it never be said that white boys don’t know how to get some. Okay now you have seen enough we are going to the bedroom and finish up. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0BbSftSiU [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0BbSftSiU”]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox] [easyazon-block align=”center” asin=”B000001E58″ locale=”us”]
If you have ever been driven crazy by a ex-boyfriend/girlfriend you can relate to this. Can you describe your ex in one word… Best description after 10 who friend me or are my friend on Facebook will get a $5 Starbucks gift card. Those of you who know me know what I am talking about!!! YES, […]
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJX5XHnONTI [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJX5XHnONTI”]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox] I know she is british but she does have a point even for us BLOODY Americans… I hesitate to say it is a white people thing but this racism is a little out of hand. Mathematics – @HollyMcNish He says “those god damn pakistanis and their goddamn corner shops Built […]
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SfaR64daM0 [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SfaR64daM0″]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox] A commercial portraying a biracial family has prompted a debate over race in America. General Mills disabled comments on the YouTube video because many were offensive and racist. NBC’s Willie Geist reports, and Star Jones and Donny Deutsch discuss the controversy. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYofm5d5Xdw [lightbox href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYofm5d5Xdw”]Open in Lightbox[/lightbox] [box type=”bio”]Cheerios ad with […]