Tag: Reviews

I am wondering if Highline College even knows what a Facebook page is for? Let me clue you in social media department, one very good use is to notify your consumers that you might be having issues an apologize. First off the schools website is down yet again. Then I find out when I went […]

[box type=”bio”]Now that is funny… I guess this just goes to show how dumb uneducated people are… If your posts are so offensive to prompt me to write ”I’d like to Take a Moment to Review the Ways in Which You Are a Douchbag” Why is your response to defriended me? Oh my feelings are […]

I responded yesterday to the RipOff Report posted by Longhorns Fan. It really got me to thinking about how it is that of the four positions posted for employment at Kayzoe Marketing LLC 3 of them are for UNPAID Internships. Have we gotten to the point where people have to work for free in the […]

I would have thought that the clown over at Kayzoe Marketing LLC would know the difference between superior court and the district court in Issaquah. I sure wish I had known this before I went to interview for his company. I guess from now on I will do a search of court documents to pre-screen before […]

As I have previously post I reported to Elegant Themess what I thought might be a violation of their Terms and Conditions by Kayzoe Marketing LLC. [slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157633910460490″ type=”gallery” size=”original”] Today I noticed has taken the material off their site. Boy I can’t wait to see what this “all-new website design and development process” that […]

Well I said I would go whining to Elegant Themes about Kayzoe Marketing LLC and as promised I have. More than Andrei Buiciuc and his so called pr firm can point out when someone might be violating a companies Terms and Conditions. If your horrible to me I am going to write a blog post about […]

Okay so after all of this hoopla today with Kayzoe Marketing LLC , I took some time to give a hard long look at their website. I am not sure what to make of what I found. Hey I can be pretty bad at grammar and spelling myself. To many years of working on a […]

I am so tired of interviewing for companies like Kayzoe Marketing LLC and them behaving poorly so I am going to start reviewing the experiences. Here is my review of . I interviewed for this company for a web development “internship”. First off the format of a group interview for an IT position felt inappropriate […]